MBSR for Social Workers 2017 Session 1

Some reflections

Briefly thrown by 2 people turning up unexpectedly! Able to reflect/pause and ‘go with it’.

17 people came; could i manage that number? would the timings go to pot? would the dynamics work? It felt fine, given some people knew others already and we all work together (roughly) it meant the group found it’s voice quickly. With lots of talking in 2’s it gave everyone a sense of participation even if they didn’t all get a chance to contribute to whole group. Overall I felt it worked fine.

Managed to focus on one key learning point throughout, which i feel was effective and gave cohesion to all we did.

Inquiry from raisin practice produced the expected responses and learning.

Compared to previous course I felt much more confident and able to pull back from sense of having to squeeze everything in versus the key focus on the practices. It was less of the unknown and a sense of expectation in facilitating the course.

Inquiry bits went ok; though still learning where to take things from the initial exchanges.

Limited feedback on the work book intro but positive where people had read it. “It was helpful”.

60 day challenge has been set.

due to unexpected numbers had to postpone HADS questionnaire on the hop.

Body scan went well and inquiry. Early days in terms of drawing out learning.

Timings went well.

MBSR for Social Workers 2017 Session 1

Day 6

30 minutes body scan and movement. 

Sensing the breath passing down through the body to different parts much more now. Clearer focus on each part of the body and what I sense in each one. 

Day 6

Day 5

30 minutes Body scan 

With a course looming on horizon I found it hard not getting caught up in how the guide was delivering the practice and thinking about how I will do this one. 

Day 5

Week 6 Day 1

Sitting 60 mins

Plagued with strong negative emotions today having returned from hols and preparing to go back to work. Chose to sit with these emotions, move my attention to my physical senses and the breath, remembering these feelings are like the weather, they will pass and a new set of feeling s will take there place. 

Week 6 Day 1